The officials from Aman Bank and the GIA discussed during a
coordination meeting held on Wednesday in the headquarters of the
GIA in Ras Hasan, the operation of interoperability for the systems and
databases between the two, as to advance bank services and accelerate
dealings with the citizens with the highest levels of quality, efficiency
and safety.

The meeting was attended by Director of the National Database at the
GIA Mr. Nader Melitan; the Director General of Al Aman Bank Mr.
Ahmed Al Dokali, and a number of engineers.

The meeting showcased practical steps in order to activate
interoperability between the bank’s electronic systems and the GIA’s
national database, technical methodology of connecting the two and
technical requirements, in addition to displaying information related to
their respective competence.

The Director of the GIA’s National Database discusses with the Director
of the International Cooperation Office of the General Authority of the
Social Solidarity Fund the outcomes of the joint meeting between the
two bodies that was held recently



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