• Tripoli, Wednesday, June 14, 2023
The general information authority participated, with a scientific paper, in the preparatory workshop for announcing 600 electronic services, which was organized by the authority of communications and informatics, today, Wednesday, at the headquarters of the General Information Authority.
The working paper presented by Eng. Mounir Muhammad Al-Adl, Director of Planning and Projects Department, General Coordinator of the Government Electronic and Mobile Services Maturity Index, included the Authority’s role in the process of preparing the second round of measuring the Government Electronic and Mobile Services Maturity Index GEMS-2023, which will be implemented by the Authority in cooperation with the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA), the paper reviewed the most important measures taken in relation to the study of this indicator, the criteria for its measurement, as well as the basic pillars used in the classification and evaluation process. The paper touched on the Authority’s interest in this aspect, in addition to its roles in supporting the digital transformation efforts of the State of Libya.